The fourth week of this phase has come to an end, and by this point we are pretty much united as a team, which makes it more of a shame that soon we will part ways as the apprenticeship continues and we move on to the new phase. So far, while I’m aware that I’m probably the least knowledgeable member of our team, I’m glad at the opportunity I had the last month of working alongside such talented, creative, and intelligent teammates. Over the course of this phase I think I slowly transitioned from feeling a deep imposter syndrome, to acknowledging the great opportunity for learning and growth that was being surrounded by people with more experience than me. Overall, I’m really happy with how our team dynamic played out, and it would be an absolute pleasure to work again with any of my teammates, and I step away from this phase with a much better understanding of what it means and what it takes to be part of a developer team.

Continuing with other aspects, this week I was able to review a bunch of Agile practices in detail, as I delved into a series of videos explaining how an agile methodology is carried out in a practical fashion for real life projects. During this series of videos, I was able to both reinforce some of the concepts I already knew and practice, as well as understanding some others and learning about some that I had never before heard of. While I think the importance of this methodology is obvious to anyone who has worked in a project (and is something that personally got reinforced during these last weeks), I also think that the details and theory behind these practices can often escape our attention, so seeing each of them explained in a direct and easy to follow fashion made pretty clear their importance.

Regarding the project itself, this week I focused on a flow for marking appointments that, while it was working already, it needed some revisions, testing and tinkering in order to ensure everything worked as expected. As such, this week I mainly worked on little details and flows, and in doing so I was able to better grasp some React concepts, such as passing hooks, passing said hooks as props to use them down the line in their son components and the react router. While working on other tasks, I also was able to better understand the way Formik allows us to control and monitor the way our forms are being filled, and got some experience with certain Bootstrap classes.

As for the You don’t know JS, sadly I wasn’t able to read much during this week, as much of it was devoted to ensuring we met the agreed upon scope of our project, which is also the reason I wasn’t able to learn a lot theory-wise during the week.

In short, this week was full of hands-on experience rather than theoretical work. The practice I got while working on getting our project done for this last demo allowed me to practice the concepts learned during the last weeks and the challenge of delivering everything as expected allowed us to practice our teamwork. Let’s see what awaits for us this next week.

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